Creating silhouette image with fireworks

22 September 2008
Posted by mpie

At first time I was curious how can people creating such an interesting image using silhouette, I’m kept found interesting image with interesting people silhouette. My first guess was fonts, I thought there are digbats font used to create that images. Yuppe, after googling I found some of dingbat are specially made from different kind of people silhouette such as parasela, ihminem and etc. But then I thought what if I want a silhouette from a specific picture of mine?
And Alhamdulillah finally I found the way to do it with fireworks (my favorite software ^__^ ) and it’s really-really simple.

Here are the step

1. Open the picture that you want to create a silhouette with
2. Choose Pen Tool from the toolbox
3. Then you just have to click around the stroke of object from your picture with that pen tool. For the best result make sure u do that in zoom in mode.
4. after you finish it, make sure you finish it exactly on the point your start it. And fill the color with black
5. Voila.. the silhouette is ready to use for your design need ;)

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